Sunday, May 9, 2010

Metallic Matt's Poltical Soapbox. (Or: How I learned to stop worrying about what others thought and started writing what was on my mind)

(Before you read the meat of this blog I'll should tell you all that this is a fairly old column that I wrote in May of last year. There is a disclaimer in it, so please read that and take it into full account. Thank you, and enjoy.)

So, I log on today to see if I've gotten any new messages from an old friend whom I haven't seen since 2004, and I'm bombarded with thoughts of people on the main issue of California for this day and age. For those of you living under a rock, that is Proposition 8. Ever since the issue has been brought up, I have time and time expressed my interest in not taking an interest in it. Now, I'm about to and God help me. I realize that as I write these words, I could potentially be opening a Pandora's Box of hate mail due to what I am about to say. If anyone has any ill feelings towards me on this subject due to nature of this here writing I am here to say...I will not apologize for anything I am about to say, this is America and I am free to say what I believe on any subject I see fit without having to take guff from anyone in the world. I'm probably going to though. (phew, long ass disclaimer done) it goes.

I see today that the State of California's Supreme Court upheld Prop 8 which prohibits same sex marriage in California. What the people who are ashamed by, sadden by etc. etc., have to realize that Prop 8 was voted into law once before as a mandate BY THE PEOPLE! CA Supreme Court overturned it (some would say) because of their personal feelings, anybody who isn't completely naive will know that it was an extreme politically motivated action. (No, I don't have to explain why) The proposition once again turned up on the ballot and the majority spoke once again. This time it upheld the voters decision. Now, why is that significant? This is the way a democracy is supposed to work. Remember, the Government works for us, not the other way around. When the people are ignored that is the beginning of a slippery slope that leads to Totalitarianism...and that BAD!!! Ok, now listen, I'm sure some of you are going to make some harsh decisions about me but here's my flip side. If Prop 8 were the other way around, being supportive of same sex marriage, it was voted into law and court over turned to ban same sex marriage I'd be incredibly pissed off like everyone is today. For the exact same reason, court over turning a mandate from the people is a bad thing NO MATTER WHAT!!!

I now propose to you (no pun intended) that I believe the reason Prop 8 was passed into law is not cos people "aren't ready for it" or any of those piss ant excuses people have been giving in response to Prop 8's success, I believe it's because California and, let's face it, most of the other states, think that there are more pressing matters at hand. Forgive me for saying so, but I think that our collapsing economy is a little more worrisome. When the fat cats in D.C. can throw around numbers like 3.6 TRILLION DOLLARS like it was some kind of cheap candy, that's a problem. Or when our leader is still still chanting his mantra's about change and the only thing that changed is his taking of more of our (and particularly my) tax dollars to help irresponsible people...that's Socialism...and that's a problem.

To sum up, I believe the issue of same sex marriage can be kept on the stove but needs to be put on the back burner for a while. Bring it back up after we see whether or not our beloved America will survive the onslaught of crippling policies that are attempting to be shoved through the Congress right now. Once the dust has settled, and the issue has moved up to matter of more importance, than the majority may be all for same sex marriage.


  1. I think many people are pushing this social issue more than other more important issues because it's rather like the hierarchy of necessities. First there's physiological, then safety, then LOVE/BELONGING, then ESTEEM, then finally self-actualization (facing the grand world of politics, naturally). We can't deal with these issues America faces today if we feel like our place in it is not respected, and especially something so fundamental as who one decides to marry. It's a very personal slap in the face. It is true that the economy is more worrisome, that making sure health care is secured causes more of an eventual impact, but these are merely stress inhibitors: not things that challenge who you are. If you were told that your kind is not allowed, if you were perhaps disowned by your family or betrayed by someone close to you or punished for something you didn't do or told you CAN'T MARRY someone you love...

    ...would you care more about that, or about solving America's impending drama? Logic urges the latter, but people never listen to that in the midst of emotional turmoil.

  2. someone once said that the foundation of the well-being and prosperity of our county has been and always will be the family unit. increasingly, along with our economy and social norms, our family structures have been going down the tubes. this has especially been evident in California. it's been someone troubling yet prophetic. there have been many instances even in the bible of the doom that ensues as the morals of a certain area decline.

    i know this had been a bleak point of view on my part. i only wanted to point out the root. it would be the family unit that needs to be strengthened. in all, Matt, Prop 8 had a ton to do with the deficit. if people valued people, more importantly family and other loved ones, our money would be spent so much more thoughtfully from every level of our once shining nation. our government has become a reflection of what has been going on in the general households of this nation. in fact, our debt has been in direct relation to our own personal debt. the people have been buying things that they cant pay for, and guess what, so has the government.

    you were right when you said that we, as the people, should be in control. we have been, but we have not been in control of ourselves.
